Journey To Me

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In “Journey to Me: A Discovery of Self,” Sal Prothero shares her personal journey of constantly being the “newbie” in a new country and the challenges she faced. Through her experiences, Sal learned that every new experience comes with growth and expansion, and that anything is achievable with the right mindset.

In this inspiring book, Sal Prothero shares how she transformed her life by prioritising her health, and provides practical tips and advice on how you too can make your health a priority. Whether you’re facing a difficult challenge or looking to improve your health, “Journey to Me” will leave you feeling motivated and empowered to take action and achieve your goals.

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Journey To Me

This is the third book in the We Inspire Now Anthology Series, created by Antoinette Pellegrini.

The authors, of which Sal Prothero is one, share their personal, inspiring stories of overcoming challenges and difficulties as they explore questions such as Who Am I? What does it mean to say, 'I am being Me'? What does it mean to Journey to Me? Of course, they all have different interpretations. The authors tell stories about coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, finding themselves through their work, their family, following their passion, having the courage to move interstate, surviving cancer, losing weight or shedding limiting childhood beliefs. They have faced the challenges of feeling fear, insecurity, loneliness, not feeling good enough, yet these stories are ones of survival and achievement.

Being yourself is a process, a journey to become and be who you are.

However, the reality is that who we are is so often influenced by others - the expectations, beliefs and values of our parents and the beliefs we established for ourselves when we were young. Often these beliefs about ourselves are negative, limiting and often wrong. Yet they often influence our decisions, choices in life and how we see ourselves, often for our entire lives.

"Journey to Me: A Discovery of Self" for Sal Prothero, was about her sharing her experiences of constantly being the "newbie" in a new country and the challenges she faced. Through her story, Sal demonstrates that every new experience comes with growth and expansion, and that anything is achievable with the right mindset. In this inspiring book, Sal shares practical tips and advice on how to prioritise your health and transform your life. Whether you're facing a difficult challenge or looking to improve your health, "Journey to Me" will leave you feeling motivated and empowered to take action and achieve your goals. This memoir is a must-read for anyone looking for inspiration and guidance on their own personal journey of self-discovery.

Perhaps the journey is not just about becoming who you are but unbecoming who you are not - only then do you discover, or more accurately, uncover who you really are.

The book encourages the reader to take their own journey and answer for themselves, the question, 'What does it mean to be me?'


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