The website is owned by Sal Prothero operating under the business name ‘Whole Food Nutrition’ and trading as ‘Sal the Nutritionist’.
‘Sal the Nutritionist’ and Sal Prothero may be referred to on this website as ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’, ‘my’ or ‘I’. ‘Whole Food Nutrition’ is an Australian registered business (ABN: 63102840618) and is operating under Australian laws, particularly the laws of the state of Victoria. If you continue to use this website you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions contained here. If you wish to purchase services or products on this website, the same Terms and Conditions apply.
The Terms and Conditions may be updated periodically, so please check back from time to time, as your continued use of the website will be construed as your consent to the most current Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions should be read together with our Privacy Policy, as together, they form the foundation of our relationship with you and your use of this website. When you use this website you agree that you are over the age of 18 years and agree to these Terms and Conditions (and the Privacy Policy). If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy, please do not use the website.
Information Disclaimer
The information on this website, including the blog and any newsletters, is for general purposes only, and should not be construed as a substitute for professional advice from your health professional. We may provide links to other websites for information purposes.
We do not support self-diagnosis based on any information found on or any of the links contained within this website. We are also not responsible for any self-diagnosis made by a user based on information found on this website or any of the links. Please consult your qualified health practitioner or make an appointment for a nutrition consultation if you are concerned about your health. Sal Prothero has a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional Medicine) and does not claim to be a medical doctor.
Information about Working with Us or Buying from Us Online
Payment Terms
For nutrition consultations and product sales made online, we operate on a pay in advance basis in Australian dollars (AUD). This means that for your consultation appointment booking to be confirmed, you will need to pay in advance. Currently we tentatively hold your online booking for 60 minutes before payment is due. If payment is not received in this time the booking is cancelled. As mentioned in our Privacy Policy, we use Stripe to process online payments. If you would prefer not to pay via credit card over the internet, you can call the clinic on 0412 370 321 (or +61 412 370 321 internationally) or email: and arrange a direct deposit.
Cancellation, Rescheduling & Refund Policy
We require 24 hours-notice via email or phone call if you need to reschedule your consultation, otherwise a fee will be charged. Please note that cancelling via email or phone with less than 24-hours notice will result in 50% of the consultation fee being charged. The remaining 50% of the consultation cost will be held towards a consultation on a future date. No refunds will be given for cancellations with less than 24-hours notice. If you do not show up on the day of the booked consultation, the full fee will be charged.
We understand that sometimes things happen, however, ‘Sal the Nutritionist’ is only open on select days so short-notice cancellations do not allow time for other clients to book. If more than 24-hours notice is given, we can (subject to availability) reschedule your appointment, without any penalty fee being charged. Call the clinic on 0412 370 321 or email: to reschedule. Thank you for your understanding.
Online Consultations
Unable to Attend Online Consultation Because of Internet Disruption (& Refund Policy)
If we have an online consultation booked and the internet service becomes disrupted, on your side or ‘Sal the Nutritionist’, to the level that the consultation can no longer continue, we can either continue the consultation via telephone, or, if necessary, reschedule to a more suitable time. If the internet disruption is occurring at ‘Sal the Nutritionist’, and it is not possible for you to reschedule, you will be refunded the full consultation fee.
General Refund Policy
Please note both the ‘Cancellation Policy’ and the ‘Unable to Attend Online Consultation Because of Internet Disruption’ sections above. Generally, refunds will not be given for consultations when less than 24-hours notice was given to cancel or appointments have already taken place. In the event that ‘Sal the Nutritionist’ needs to cancel or reschedule a consultation with you, you will either be given a refund or we can reschedule to a time that suits.
Health Fund Rebates
As a registered nutritionist, a rebate may be available from your private health fund. Please note, if a health fund rebate is available to you, there are no rebates for online/phone consultations. Please contact your individual health fund for more information.
Insurance Covers Australia
‘Sal the Nutritionist’ is based in Australia. Our insurance coverage does not at this time cover practicing in the United States (US) or Canada. If you are living in the US or Canada, we cannot offer our consultation services. If you are located in another country outside of Australia, we’ll confirm with our insurance company prior to committing to your consultation.
Your privacy is important to us. The information we collect from you is to enable us to provide our nutrition services to you. For a detail explanation about how we handle your personal information, please read our separate Privacy Policy carefully.
This website is provided to you in good faith. Occasionally we may provide links to other websites that we feel may be useful to you. However, to the fullest extent possible by law, ‘Sal the Nutritionist’ and Sal Prothero are not liable for any claims, legal expenses, costs, demands, law suits or liabilities resulting from accessing this website or the links contained within.
Intellectual Property Protection
The website contains material that is owned by or licensed to us, including our logo, website design and content. Blogs and information created by ‘Sal the Nutritionist’ remain the property of Sal Prothero.
You are free to and encouraged to share our content on social media (as long as it is credited correctly and acknowledging ‘Sal the Nutritionist’ or Sal Prothero as the author). As a customer, you are entitled to read the information but not to reproduce it, except a copy for personal use.
If you are a natural medicine practitioner, you are of course free to read the information contained here and share the blog freely (as long as it is credited correctly and acknowledging ‘Sal the Nutritionist’ or Sal Prothero as the author). Other than this, please do not reproduce material except with written permission from Sal Prothero.
If you have any queries about our Terms & Conditions or wish to gain permission to reproduce any material found on please contact us at:
Sal The Nutritionist